Detox Diaries
Nelly - 5-day Cleanse (June 2015)
Day One
Yippeee… I have received my delivery, very excited!!! Just smashed down the Bloody Beetroot and it is delicious. Feeling the goodness through my veins already.
Ready for bed and not feeling hungry at all, however I have had many quick trips to the loo as not used to having so much liquid. Note to self in future DRINK MORE WATER !
Weighed myself this morning and sitting at 68kgs
Day Two
Morning!!! Well I just bounced out of bed! WOW feel less bloated and can’t wait to start the day. Woke up to Raw Star witch was really refreshing to drink. Not missing food as yet
Day Three
Well for the first time in months I have had uninterrupted sleep! Waking up just before the alarm helped me bop out of bed without feeling that “tired hungover”. I actually felt a little hungry this morning so opted for the lighter drink for the morning Summer sunset. I think this was my own fault as … I admit… I cheated!!! .. last night I had a 8th of a piece of salmon. It was just looking at me saying eat me!! Wish I didn’t so today I am determined to keep going.
4pm has hit and to be honest I thought it was going to be really hard. It wasn’t! haven’t craved food and the naturally energy has kicked in! I feel move focused than ever before and my production levels at work are insane!
Day Four
I found if I faked chewed the drinks my body thinks it food and I didn’t feel hungry at all ! food… whats that? Ha! Received my last delivery today so only 2 more days left to go… its actually quite simple
Didn't feel hungry and due to lack of sleep (Had an event on Thursday early am) I’m not exhausted!! So much mojo in my day J
Through out the day my tummy was defiantly grumbling. I didn’t feel staved but I could tell my sides were doing what needed to be done
Day Five
Feel like I can keep going! Smashed down the Subline water and feeling lighter than ever. Today is actually the easiest
Day Six
I have weighed myself and now sitting at 64.5kg!!!!!! WOW!!! I can definitely see and feel the crap has come out of me !
I didn’t do any strenuous exercises while doing the cleanse as I didn’t know how I would feel however I walked every day and found that I wasn’t light headed at all. It was quite refreshing actually
My husband has been so supportive and making sure his eating when I’m not around. Doing the cleanse has helped me become determined to keep on going and focus on health and fitness.
I have more natural energy, don’t crave any of the bad stuff and my skin is glowing!
I will definitely do this again in a few months to help me keep on track and my husband wants to join in as he kept steeling sips and loving the taste.
I found only 2 times I felt like food so tended to have half of the Mylk and then finished it at night
The only drink I didn’t enjoy was the Avatar water however everyone that has popped into my home has tasted it and loved it! So might just be me
I have found I am feeling lighter as I’m not bloated, the acidic feeling in my gut has completely gone and can physically see I have lost weight round my collar bones and waist
I will continue to order the alkaline water as I want to keep my insides balanced and keep hydrated
Thanks Home Juice. You have changed my attitude towards health and can’t wait to keep going on this journey. Wish I did this before I got hitched!
On the money side on things I wasn’t disheartened when I saw the price for the 5 days cleanse. I have found that I don’t want to go out and party this weekend as I want to keep myself healthy and the cost has evened out to what I would have paid for breakfast, lunch dinner and entertainment. I have found I’m about $50.00 out of pocket.
So far the 2nd day was the hardest … I made sure I Facebook and Instagram posted a drink each day as I have a lot of family and friends that pop in a champers or cake nearly on a daily basis. This way they kept me motivated and we have all opted for the healthy alternative