4 Energizing Juice Recipes to Help You Avoid Fatigue - Home Juice

4 Energizing Juice Recipes to Help You Avoid Fatigue

Have you been feeling sluggish, exhausted, and left wanting more energy throughout the day? We’ve all been there before.

The truth is, what we consume directly impacts our daily energy levels. So it’s a no-brainer that changing the way we eat has the potential to increase your energy.

You’re about to learn our favorite energy-boosting juicing recipes to share with your customers or to try for yourself! These recipes include:

Instead of ordering “the usual” from your local Starbucks drive-thru for that final push throughout the day, try one of these fresh juice recipes to add the pep back into your step. Let’s get started! 

Fresh Ginger Juice Shot 

Fresh ginger root and ginger pulp have a vast history of being used in alternative medicine to help detox the body. Our fresh ginger juice shot is packed to the brim with powerhouse ingredients giving you a lot of bang for your buck (or yield in this case). 

Yield: We made this recipe in one batch using the X-1 Mini and it yielded around 36oz (enough for nine 4oz shots). Your yield may vary depending on the produce. 


  • 25.5oz Ginger
  • 24.6oz Lemon
  • 13oz Carrot
  • 4.5oz Turmeric
  • 1 pinch of cayenne per serving 


  1. Weigh and thoroughly wash produce
  2. Press all ingredients together
  3. Add a pinch of cayenne pepper into each bottle and shake
  4. Chill (if needed)
  5. Enjoy! 

Refreshing Watermelon Juice 

Not only are watermelons packed with hydrating superpowers, but they’re also full of vitamins and minerals. Watermelon has the ability to aid those with asthma, high blood pressure, digestion, and so more! This recipe is super easy to make and will leave you with an energy boost that will have you coming back for more. 

Yield: About a gallon, enough for ten 12oz bottles.


  • 1 Large Seedless Watermelon
  • 2-3 Limes
  • A handful of mint leaves (to taste) 


  1. Wash all ingredients.
  2. When testing this recipe, we removed the rind from the watermelon, cubed it and put it straight into the press bag. We then put the limes and mint leaves into the grinder whole.
  3. Press all ingredients together. If using the X-1 Mini, batch the ingredients out so you fill the press bag no more than three quarters the way full to prevent overflow.
  4. Chill (if needed) .
  5. Enjoy! 

Citrus Explosion 

Oranges are an amazing fruit when it comes to improving your energy. Since they have a low glycemic index, the glucose is slowly released into the bloodstream providing a steady feeling of energy. Not only are they a fantastic way to boost your energy (and immune system) they’re also packed with vitamins and anti-inflammatories such as potassium, fiber, vitamin c and more! 

Yield: Three 12oz bottles. Your yield will vary depending on the produce. 

  • 30.6oz Pineapple
  • 18oz Oranges
  • 3.5oz Lime
  • 1.5oz Ginger


  1. Wash all produce 
  2. Remove the green crown from the pineapple and cut into quarters – leave the skin on 
  3. Peel the oranges 
  4. Press all ingredients together 
  5. Chill (if needed)
  6. Enjoy! 

Mountain Doo Green Juice

Kale is one of the most nutrient-dense foods in the world with fiber, antioxidants, calcium, vitamin k, and others. In this powerhouse vegetable juice has a wide range of fruits and veggies to give you an extra energy boost, some even say it tastes like a healthy version of Mountain Dew soda! 

Yield: 16-18 12oz bottles. Your yield will vary depending on the produce 


  • 160oz Green Apple
  • 80oz Kale
  • 80oz Celery
  • 1 Pineapple
  • 5 Lemons
  • 16oz Ginger


  1. Wash all produce 
  2. Cut off the base of the celery 
  3. Remove the green crown from the pineapple and cut into quarters – leave the skin on 
  4. Press all ingredients together 
  5. Chill (if needed)
  6. Enjoy! 

For more tips on how to prepare your produce for juice recipes, view our article here. 

Don’t let the 2pm slump get you or your customers down! Keep your energy levels high with these simple chef-made energy juice recipes that will help you get through the rest of the day.

These recipes are packed with health benefits to keep you moving. If you want another delicious healthy juicing recipe packed full with nutrients, try our Hydrating Cucumber Juice Recipe!

Want to learn how to create your own amazing juice recipes with a chef’s guidance? Get your copy of The Juicing Companion to find flavor pairings, nutritional information, and recipe ideas for any ingredient!

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